
Product Release Notes

Mobile & Tablet Applications

Android v5.8.6

  • A solution was implemented to allow users the option to decline the prominent disclosure agreement which appears after the app is launched. Users can now decline the disclosure at launch and navigate to their profile panel at a later time to accept the disclosure if they would like.
  • It was reported that some Android app screens would flash when launched if the device was not connected to Wi-Fi. We’ve resolved this in version 5.8.6. If your device is not connected to Wi-Fi and the application is launched, users will be presented with a “No Network Available” message.

INTELITY Integrations

  • Solution implemented for StayNTouch Integration issue that caused the system to recognize credit card on file as true for reservations with “Cash Payment” type. These reservations will now show credit card on file as false and render guests unable to proceed with mobile check-in until a credit card is added to their reservation. We’ve also enhanced the check -lout functionality for StayNTouch to allow guests a seamless digital check-out experience.
  • We’ve implemented a solution for MEWS mobile check-in to allow guests to add a card to their reservation. Previously, an error was returned in the application causing mobile check-in to fail. We’ve resolved this in a manner where guests with or without a card on file on the reservation, have the ability to add a new card if desired and successfully execute mobile check-in for a more seamless experience.